SanDisk looked to make an impact on customers for accessible “on-the-go” memory access.

  • The idea was to create a manageable hub of products across numerous GEO’s and the inhouse ability to promote popular products,

  • DHD was involved in creating a unique branded hub with it’s own identity for internal and external partners to access and interact with.

  • The hub thrived with monitored KPIs and success metrics against it. The unique identity is one of the key success factors for recognition and recall for users coming back to the system and utilising it regularly.

SanDisk set out with a mission to create a truly global and collaborative work space to monitor and manage their collateral.

DHD delivered this through our design methodology and created an experience for teams across numerous regions around the globe to access in an intuitive and user friendly experience.

Prove it

Feedback across regions was nothing but positive and the experience lay the foundations for further iteration, testing and deployment of improvements.

SanDisk were delighted by the eventual outcome as well as the process and vigour we took them through to get there.

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